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Whiteboard animation
Video made together with Mikołaj Słabicki and funded by a Marie Curie-Skłodowska ESR fellowship. The animation explains how the new molecular glue degrader compound called CR8 was identified, and why it is unlike any of the previously identified examples.

Video interview
Video directed and edited by Beverly Prosser from the communications team at the Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research.

Interview with the Polish Press Agency (PL)
Interview (in Polish)
Jak wysÅ‚ać chorobotwórcze biaÅ‚ko na „molekularny Å›mietnik”?
by Ewelina Krajczyńska (PAP)
Press release (DE)
Press release (in German)
„Molekularer Klebstoff“ – Forschung an einer neuen Waffe gegen Krebstreiber
by NCT Heidelberg
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